What is hypnotherapy and how can it help me?
As a certified hypnotherapist I sometimes use a variety of hypnotherapy processes during my coaching sessions to deepen the understanding of one's blocks or unhelpful thought patterns that keep repeating, keeping you stuck. These processes help to break the cycle and help you move forward towards your goals and intentions.
Hypnotherapy is a complimentary therapy used to address the subconscious mind where our beliefs and habits are created and stored so that we can gain more of an understanding of why we are thinking unhelpful thoughts and to create a new helpful belief or thought, and then nurture it to create a more positive outcome. Hypnotherapy is not to be confused with stage hypnosis which is used for entertainment.
Here are some examples of what hypnotherapy can be useful for:
Emotional Healing: can help to promote emotional healing from past trauma and negative experiences.
Enhance Self Confidence: by reinforcing positive self perception this can boost one’s self esteem and self confidence.
Reduce Anxiety: by altering negative thought patterns it can help to manage and reduce anxiety levels.
Personal Growth: it can encourage personal growth by breaking through mental and emotional barriers.
Phobia Elimination: helps in overcoming specific fears and phobias by addressing the root cause.